Monday, October 1, 2012

Sinister - The Trailer

Have you seen the trailer for Sinister?  If so, I feel sorry for you.  I've got to tell you that I've seen it in three different settings.  Let me tell you about them, ranked mildest to worst.

  1. My third viewing of a trailer for Sinister was today, while watching some shows on our DVR.  It was daylight out, and the trailer didn't bother me so much.
  2. I saw my second trailer for Sinister around 2am on Friday night.  I couldn't sleep, and the stupid thing was on.  Let's just say that's not what you want to see when you're having nightmares coupled with trouble sleeping.
  3. My first and worst experience with Sinister was at the movie theater.  We had to have seen the trailer months ago.  I don't recall what we went to see, but I do remember hating this trailer.  Something that seems creepy at home seems so much worse on the big screen.  It's not even the imagery that is the problem; it's the noise.  The volume in the theater, when used to trumpet the jump out scare noises, is just unbearable.  I have begun to consider not getting to the movies early to avoid previews like this one.
At this point, I'm sure you've realized that I don't much care for any of the trailers for Sinister.  I supposed I should explain why.
  1. Jump out scares - You had to know this would top my list.  Something appearing while the noise level gets jacked up is still, and will always be, shoddy film-making.
  2. Unoriginal ideas - Something evil is lurking about.  It makes its way to you through various everyday items/media/sounds.  At least do something unusual with it.  Instead, we see some supernatural baddie getting to people through these old tapes.  I realize that I don't know how much the movie actually follows that.  I only know what the trailer has implied.  I recognize that I might be unfair in my critique.
  3. Killing the viewer - I don't care if I'm being unfair in my critique because the very thing that makes you a target is shown in the trailer!  You remember the Ring?  You were only screwed if you watched the tape.  You had to choose to watch the movie to get exposed to it.  For this schlock, all you have to do is accidentally catch the trailer.  Now, it's almost 8 o'clock at night, and I'm pretty stable right now.   When I can't sleep in the middle of the night, I'm a lot less rational.  This kind of stuff freaks me out at 4am, when I have just taken Mark to work and am home alone.  Seriously, it's a dick move.
You couldn't pay me to go see Sinister.  The trailer encompasses and highlights everything that is wrong with current horror movies.  Actually, the only thing missing is torture porn, and that might still be in the film.  It just got left out of the trailer.  

Once again, I know I have thrown around some negative words regarding Sinister, when I haven't even seen the movie.  Maybe that's unfair, but so is throwing that trailer out where I end up seeing it.  I'm not even trying to protect the children; I'm simply trying to maintain some semblance of a well balanced psyche.  

In summation, to the makers of Sinister, I say screw you.  

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