Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Google Docs

Did you ever find out that you've had access to something awesome but never realized it was there?  I was looking for a program to write something up* and was getting frustrated.  It turns out that my Word program is acting wonky.  On top of that, I don't have Word on my new laptop.  I started wandering around the wasteland that is the internet, looking for salvation, when I discovered Google Docs!  Seriously, is there anything Google can't do??

Google Docs comes with thousands of templates.  You want to make up a newsletter?  They have hundreds of templates for that.  Need to update your resume?  Never fear!  They have a doc for that.  You need to do a presentation?  There's a doc for that!

You can tweak the templates to be exactly what you want.  Even better, as you work on your task, Google Docs will keep saving it.  It will even show you how you changed it from the template!**  I actually discovered that I had something saved on there from 2009.  I haven't been in Google Docs since then, but it's keeping that file for me.  It's a loyal service.

I've primarily used Microsoft Word and Printmaster for writing related projects.  No more!  Now, I shall immerse myself in Google Docs.  It's free too!

*It wasn't a review, so I couldn't do it here!

**I've used a lot of exclamation points in this short review, but it's warranted!