Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Matthias Harris

There are so many talented people in this world.  I can't carry a tune to save my life, but I love music.  I may not always like good music, but that doesn't mean what I like isn't good.  While wandering around the wasteland that is youtube, I discovered an A Capella cover of Gotye's Somebody That I Used to Know performed by some guy named Matthias Harris.

Now, you can ask Mark, and he'll tell you that when I discover a song I like, I'll listen to it over and over and over again, so much so that people around me can end up hating it due to over-exposure.*  Needless to say, I greatly increased the number of views Mr. Harris had on Youtube for that song.  Actually, as I type this, it's playing.

I would have been ridiculously happy if it had been available on iTunes for purchase, but when I last checked, it wasn't there.  The Gotye version was there, but I don't care for that one all that much.**  This has, of course, driven me back to Youtube.

Tonight, after listening to it three times or so, I was checking out what else they suggested for me when I discovered that he had a new cover out.  He did his own version of Best of You, a Foo Fighters' song.  Now, I was skeptical at first, as I really like the original.  Harris, however, manages to handle the piece well.
It took me listening to it a time or two before I started to like it.

Perhaps the amazing characteristic that I am glazing over is the A Capella style.***  As far as I know, the music is created by him using simple percussion and his own voice.  He claps and sometimes uses little shakers, but there is no use of traditional instruments.****  That's just plain amazing.

Because he likes to blow your mind, he has layered himself singing different parts of the arrangement   You hear him essentially harmonizing with himself.  To be able to create something this intricate and balanced is mind blowing.*****

Finally, you have the presentation.  Harris has crafted videos for his Gotye's cover and Foo Fighters' cover that are interesting to watch.  Yeah, it's just him singing a lot, but I like it.  The visuals also help you understand just how many parts there are to the audio.

Before deciding to write this all down, I decided to look up Mr. Harris.  I found his Tumblr page, which I normally wouldn't bother with, as I'm not a user of Tumblr, but I checked it out.  He had a picture of his cat, whom he apparently loves very much.  As such, I must approve of him, as well as what he has done.  I sincerely hope he is a Redditor.******

On a final note, I didn't have to watch any ads when I pulled up his videos.  That right there means you should go check them out.  It will only take a few minutes.  I'll wait...

*I'm pretty sure my brother suffers from this as well.

**I did like the Star Wars parody version, which I told you all about some time ago.

***I always thought it was spelled acapella, all one word.  The spell check and internet assure me that I was wrong.

****I love music, but I am far from an expert.  I don't know the rules of A Capella, so I'm hoping he isn't breaking them.

*****For me, anyway.

******He not only had a picture of his cat, but he also had a comment about The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.  That is potentially a lot of Karma, depending on how it is used and blind luck.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sallie Mae - The Website

I'm not a big fan of student loans.  I accept the bed I have made, but I don't have to like it.  Between Mark and I, we have student loan payments that rival a mortgage.  None of this is important to you, but it does lay out some ground work.  It explains why I have to interact with the Sallie Mae website.  I'll try to keep the review of the website about the website, rather than my feelings regarding Sallie Mae and their customer service.*

The Sallie Mae website is pretty enough, but it isn't the most user friendly.  When you log on, it is almost impossible to find your basic payment.  Additionally, finding the correspondences they have sent took me forever.  If you have more than one loan, they are listed separately.  That make sense, but it would be nice to see an overall picture.  If there are late fees, they should be specifically listed.  Sallie Mae should make it easy to find what you owe and on what date.

I pay additional student loans to Discover, so I'm familiar with the website of another company that services some student loans.**  On their site, I can find the information that I was previously discussing.  Discover's site is easy to navigate and makes sense.  The Sallie Mae site seems intentionally obtuse.

There isn't a whole lot of choice for me at this point when it comes to dealing with student loans.  I can't change the servicer at this point, but I can point out the lackluster website that Sallie Mae has presented.  With as much money as they're getting, you would think they could spend a bit more money on their site.

*We have called and spoken to multiple people about multiple issues with our loans.  Most of the time, it is difficult to get answers.  When you do, they're usually different than the final outcome.  We get multiple answers to the same question, and it is incredibly annoying.

**I give them my money.  It's sad.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Pizza Hut's Online Ordering

Mark and I frequently have discussions about being good.  We want to completely stop eating out and start going to the gym.  Thus far, it's not going so hot.  Since I got out of work a bit on the late side, we decided to just order a pizza.  Mark had seen the commercials for the new pizza sliders from Pizza Hut, so we pulled up the website and placed an order.

The Pizza Hut website isn't bad; unfortunately, it isn't very good either.

  1. Not all items are available through online ordering.  I have been caffeine free since September, but I still enjoy Sprite.  Since our local Pizza Hut only has Pepsi products, I can make do with Sierra Mist.  Unfortunately, Mark had to call to add a 2 liter to our order, as it didn't show up as on option online.
  2. They do not make it easy to see what toppings come on items.  Tonight, I was trying to order a P'Zone, and I was pretty sure Mark and I would be happy splitting the Supremo.  When I brought it up, it wouldn't tell me what the toppings were.  I had to google it.*
  3. The after order experience is pretty lackluster.  They ask you to create a profile for easier ordering next time, but they do not keep you up to date on your order status.  Domino's has spoiled me when it comes to the after order experience.**
The Pizza Hut website is serviceable, but it isn't very impressive.  They've just barely met the minimum requirements for a functional site, and they have definitely not gone above and beyond.  We've ordered from Domino's in the past over Pizza Hut based solely on the ordering experience.  Pizza Hut, I know you can do better.***

*How fun is it that you can use google as a verb?!?

**They tell you who is doing what to your pizza.  I'm pretty sure if they spit in it, the computer will tell me.  After all, the internet has to tell the truth.

***On a side note, the food was pretty good.  Bravo.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Devil May Cry

I remember when the original Devil May Cry came out.  I remember it being awesome and fun to watch.  There were bright colors and movement.  It was all win.  Because I was familiar with the original games, I was a little apprehensive about the new incarnation of Dante.  It turns out that I needn't have worried.

Let me be clear.  This game is not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but it is really fun to watch.  There is a decent amount of humor coupled with some fun action sequence.  If it was a movie, it would be on par with the craziness that was Cranked.*  There is a bit of a creepy edge to it, as well.  It's a good mix.

I can't speak as to the actual game play because I continue to be a voyeur.  I figure it must be pretty good since Mark is playing through again for me.  He thought I would like watching it, so he started over.  He isn't one for playing games more than once.  That alone says a great deal about Devil May Cry.

The mechanics appear largely similar to the original games, but that is part of the fun.  You've got your guns, swords, axes, and the like.  You get an army of monsters to use them on.  What more could you want?

If you're looking for a fun game, you could play Devil May Cry.  Mark picked it up on Steam, so I'm sure they'll have a sale on it someday.  When they do, give it a shot.

*You know...that movie with Jason Statham....where he takes his shirt off....  Oh, wait...that's all of his movies....

Monday, February 18, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

With the success of Twilight, there has been a surge of movies made based on teen romance novels of the supernatural sort.  I've heard reference made to Zombie Twilight when referencing Warm Bodies, and I've heard people refer to Witch Twilight when discussing Beautiful Creatures.  While Warm Bodies was much more than Twilight, that does happen to be a fitting title for Beautiful Creatures.*

While it may be poor form to compare this film to Twilight throughout the review, it is hard not to do so.  Twilight is the relatively poor film that most novels adaptations of this sort will hearken back to, as it was so successful.  It feels as if the movie companies are just trying to find the next Twilight.

Let's talk about what Beautiful Creatures does right.  First of all, they have procured a pretty talented cast.  While Jeremy Irons will chew scenery when he's feeling randy, he is actually quite the talented actor.  Of course, he has to have something to work with.  Emma Thompson and Viola Davis bring additional talent to the cast.  Even our young leads do a decent job.**

Further aiding the film are the decent production values.  Overall, the movie looks pretty good.  There are some CGI enhanced scenes that are obvious, but they're not terribly bad.  I appreciate the attempts to use practical effects when feasible.

Unfortunately, that sums up the good.  Now, let's move on to the bad.  The biggest problem facing Beatiful Creatures is the adaptation itself.  The story feels hollow, like there is a bunch of material being left out.  With any adaptation, that is to be expected.  A good movie will find a way around that.  Beautiful Creatures misses that mark.  Neither the characters nor the story feel fleshed out.  Characters are included because they were in the novel, but they never really amount to much.  

Beautiful Creature isn't a bad movie, nor is it a good movie.  While I was entertained during the film, I just never felt particularly attached to anyone.  The characters fail to connect, and it is a shame.  You can watch Beautiful Creatures, but I wouldn't pay to see it in the theater.

*Although, Mark and I like to think of it as a movie about Profion after he has decided to clean up his life and become less evil.  Mark declared us Team Profion upon seeing previews for this movie.

**They are of a higher quality than Kristen Stewart.  Of course, that isn't saying much.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dead Space

As usual, I feel that I should preface my game reviews with the warning that I don't play some of the games.  My review of Dead Space 3 will be based solely on my fulfillment as a voyeur.  I experienced the first two Dead Space games this way, and it's worked out pretty well so far.

Dead Space 3 isn't quite the same as its predecessors.  The biggest changes seem to be the addition of the weapon building stations, the multi-player, and the overall tone.  In this case, being different isn't a bad thing. Dead Space 3 is quite enjoyable and has occupied our entire Saturday off.

I've been told that this is where I would say something about the plot.  Apparently, all good reviews should 
make some mention of the story.*  I'm going to keep it rather basic. There are these "markers" that mess up anything near them, creating necromorphs.  You have your crazies that worship them and your sane people that don't.  As is to be expected, various governments have at different times tried to harness the power of these constructs.  All three games follow Isaac Clark, who becomes more and more knowledgeable about the "markers" as games pass by.

Perhaps the most boring addition is the ability to create/upgrade your weapons.  There are benches located throughout the game that allow you to create things such as the Hun 1 Badger.**  They get mad props for the random references, but the bench time is boring to the voyeur.  Mark assures me that it is really fun and has allowed him to tweak his approach to battle.  You can make your weapon complement your preferred tactical approach.

While the weapon advancement was boring for me, the multi-player became the bane of my existence.  I haven't even tried it yet, and I have a negative opinion of it, mainly because Mark keeps asking me to try it.  I'm sure it would be fun, but I tend to panic which results in everyone dying.  If I ever get the courage up to give it a go, I'll let you know.

I know I said that the overall tone was a change, but it's a small one.  The original game had a much more survival horror feel to it than this iteration.  The feel of the third game is much more action like.***  There are still creepy moments, and the monster noises sound like something out of a sorority bathroom after heavy drinking or lunch.  The scare factor just isn't there anymore.  You're used to seemingly dead things getting up and chasing you around.

Dead Space 3 is a good looking game with decent voice acting and music.  It's worth the purchase price and is entertaining enough to watch.  If you're looking for something to do on Valentine's Day, I'm going to suggest taking your significant other out to a movie.  If you're both into gaming, this could be an alternative.

*At least, that's what I read on Reddit.

**It don't care!

***I wanted to say actiony, but apparently, that's not a word.  Pfft.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Cactus Sands

When you live on a golf course, there are certain inconveniences you have to deal with.  For example, people are constantly renting the condos next door for vacation homes.  This leads to random groups of people who may not be overly respectful of the time or noise level.  Small annoyances like that are off-set by the perks of living on the golf course.  One of the first things you'll notice is that they generally keep our buildings and grounds in good shape.  It wouldn't do to have the golfers looking at shoddy buildings and brown grass when they're golfing.*  All that landscaping upkeep has to be handled by someone.  In our case, Cactus Sands keeps our property looking nice.

The gentlemen** from Cactus Sands can be seen around the property a couple of times each week.  They bring multiple trucks and a ton of people.  They keep the area looking nice, and I have to give them respect for a job well done.  I don't see amazing flower displays, but you can only ask for so much.  The grass is trimmed, as are the plants and trees.  You don't see dead plants.  Offending pieces are removed.

While I'm sure it is at the direction of the HOA, Cactus Sands spreads mulch at least once a year, rather than the less appealing pine straw.  While the piles of mulch are unattractive, they're only on site for a couple of days before being spread appropriately around the grounds.  It's a good choice.

The only complaint I have regarding the hard working folks from Cactus Sands is their occasional lack of consideration.  They're kind enough to not do anything too noisy early in the morning, but sometimes, it seems as if they're forgotten that people actually live where they're working.  Often, trucks are parked in the main entrance and exit.  As there is only one way in and one way out of the complex, it is an unwise decision.  Furthermore, they left a small green tractor with a bucket*** parked across the roadway recently.  While I was able to turn around and take a different route to the complex' exit, it was unnecessary.  The bucket was full, and the tractor was parked across the lane.  There was no one driving it.  It was just sitting there while two men on foot were talking.  It was incredibly rude.  If the tractor had been parked to one side, it wouldn't have been an issue.

Cactus Sands appears to do a good job with their landscaping.  They just need to learn where to park their trucks and tractors.  They should keep out of the main thoroughfare.  It's safer and less annoying that way.

*In the off season, the grass browns.  There is only so much that can be done.   For the most part, it doesn't look as bad as the grass around the rest of Myrtle Beach.

**I have no seen any female employees.  It doesn't mean they don't exist, but I have not seen one.

***If there is a fancier name for that piece of equipment, I apologize that I don't know it.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chili's To Go

With our current schedules, we've been a little lax in the "no eating out" policy*.  It's been even worse since Mark got sick.  He has wanted soup pretty much daily, and Chili's just so happens to have a nice and spicy soup on their menu that Mark enjoys.  As such, I don't even want to think about how many times I've been to Chili's recently.  A sick Mark at home means I've been picking up the food and bringing it to him; this has led me to become quite familiar with the Chili's To Go system.

We have ordered carry out from quite a few table service restaurants, with Outback and Carrabbas being pretty high on the list for impressive service.  Outback allows you to order online, and both of these restaurants will come right out to your car to handle the transaction.

I guess I was a little spoiled, as that's what I was hoping Chili's would do.  Unfortunately, that was not the case.  On the multiple occasions that I ordered from Chili's, no one came out to my car when I arrived.**  That's not a bad thing, as it isn't too terribly hard to get out of the car and walk into the restaurant.  Since I was usually coming from work, I was dressed.

Once inside, however, the experience became less than impressive.  On average, I would have to wait about five minutes before someone would wander close enough to the "To Go" area to notice my presence.  If you're going to offer this service, it is important to man that area, especially when you know there is an order prepped/prepping to go out.

After an employee would notice me, the experience would improve.  The people are always nice there.  I've not had a bad interaction that was employee based.  They do their best to make the service and food good.

While you may expect the food to be less than stellar when you take it home, the items we ordered have continually held up well.  Aside from one container of ranch coming open, everything is carefully packed.  At no time did our soups escape their styrofoam prisons.

I had mentioned that Outback allows the customer to order online.  It appears that Chili's is also trying to create an online ordering system.  I attempted to use it on two different occasions.  The first time it gave me a message saying that the store I wanted to order from was not accepting online orders.  The second time, it appeared to go perfectly.  When I reached the restaurant, I was disappointed to find out that it did not go as smoothly as I thought.  My order hadn't even been started, as no one noticed it.

In an attempt to apologize, the person in charge told me that the order had just come through.  I find that hard to believe, but I appreciate that she was trying to make it better.  She even comped one of my items.  She handled the situation the best way that she could, and I was fine with that.  They should probably institute a system for monitoring online orders though, as the next person might not be as chill as myself.

If I'm being lazy and looking for quick curbside service, I'll go to Outback Steakhouse.  Thus far, they're the only ones who have gotten the hang of it.  Chili's is making an effort, but they have quite a ways to go before they're successful.

*Insert inappropriate joke here.

**After going in to pay, one gentleman did bring the food out to me.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Horrycounty.org - Tax Payments

Today, I'm bringing you a review that may be a bit short and unexplored.  Usually, I like to have a good grasp of whatever it is I'm writing about.  Today, I went online to pay the taxes for my car.*  I would love to tell you about my experience, but it was cut a bit short.

When you receive your tax bill, it states that you can make your payment online by visiting horrycounty.org.  That sounded pretty good, so I decided to go ahead and get it done today.**  After typing in the website, I just stared blankly at it.  I'm not sure if all the cleaners I used today while cleaning house impacted my higher brain functions, but I just didn't see where I needed to go to make my payment.***

I finally noticed "Online Services" at the top of the screen, which opened into a larger menu.  This, unfortunately, is where our adventure ends and why the review is a bit short on experience today.  To pay your taxes online, there is a fee.  Regardless of what method you choose, they'll charge you a fee.  I especially love that they call them "convenience fees".

If you choose to pay with a credit card, you get a 2.85% fee.  Using your debit card?  That's a flat fee of $3.95.  An electronic check will run you $2.50.  I understand that the county does not receive any of these fees, and I imagine these are the fees the county accrues when they allow people to pay this way.  That doesn't make it any less insulting.

I wish I could tell you how the rest of the payment process went, but I don't know.  I decided I wasn't paying any extra fees.  Instead, I pulled out my checkbook, blew the dust off, and wrote a check.  Now, I just have to go buy envelopes.****

*For those unfamiliar, you pay taxes on your car when you live in South Carolina.  Coming from Pennsylvania, this was originally quite a shock.  Now, we're used to it.

**They're not even due yet!  I am so ahead of the game!

***I even tried using Ctrl + F, but it didn't help!

****I'm pretty sure the box of envelopes will be cheaper than their fees!