Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

It seems that the art of making bread is largely lost.  I'm sure there are people that bake bread for the holidays, but it's not something people do on a daily basis.  It's time consuming, and there are so many ready made options that you don't really need to.  I've made banana bread before, and I will again.  Until then, we'll use Pillsbury Crescent Rolls.

While they have their good and bad qualities, the good far outweigh the bad.  First of all, they're easy to make.  Pop them out of the can, roll them up, stick them in the oven, enjoy.  You get the happy bread type smell and have the product in about ten minutes.

If you have a normal size family, you can buy the standard size, which is eight rolls.  If you are just cooking for two, you can find mini cans with only four rolls in them!  That's super because if you don't eat them fresh and hot, they're kind of gross.  Fresh out of the oven, pure awesome.  An hour after dinner, pure yuck.  Either way, you can get a quantity that suits you.

Additionally, they don't just have to be rolls.  You can wrap little cocktail weenies in them and make a neat appetizer.  You can use them to make certain recipes from Pampered Chef.*  I wrapped shredded buffalo chicken and cheese in them one time.  The Pillsbury site has tons of suggestions, and it's kind of fun to mess around with them.

Since making bread isn't something most people do on a daily basis, the Pillsbury options are a good choice to accompany your dinner.  You can even make them the main course, if you should desire to.

*Seriously, you can make a food wreath out of them.  It's amazing.

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