Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Winning Season

So many sports movies tend to wrap everything up with a big bow.  All those problems?  They're magically solved.  All the misunderstandings?  They're completely forgiven and understood.  I'm happy to report that The Winning Season strives to be more than just another sports movie.  It's more about the characters than the sports.

I'm coming to find out that I really like Sam Rockwell.  I've long recognized him as a capable actor, but as I find more and more movies that he's in, I'm realizing just how much I like watching him.  As the lead in The Winning Season, he anchors the film with an excellent performance.  The cast is full of good performances that feel genuine.  Although, I kept expecting Rob Corddry to do something worthy of Children's Hospital; his role in this film is actually pretty serious throughout.

The story is a basic sport movie story, but it is done with a bit more realism.  Characters grow and change, but they still make mistakes.  They are still true to who they are, both in their actions and their feelings.  Since there are quite a few cast members sharing screen time, some only have minimal time spent on their own stories.  This doesn't feel like a problem when watching the film though, as the main arc has to do with Rockwell's character and his growing relations with the team of girls he's coaching.

I was entertained for the entirety of The Winning Season, and that doesn't happen with every movie.  If you have the opportunity, you should watch it.  It's not perfect, but what it does, it does well.

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