Friday, June 8, 2012


By now, I have no doubt that you've heard much said about Prometheus.  It seems that the bulk of the comments I have seen have been largely negative.  Apparently, the places on the internet that I frequent thought Prometheus wasn't what it should have been, nor was it as good as it could have been.  I do not share their opinions.

Prometheus is a film with a brilliant cast of talented actors led by a director that has done great things.  Is this his best work?  Nope.  Is it bad?  Nope.  There are parts of the film that you could criticize and point out as plot holes or moments that just don't make sense.  At the same time, you could argue to make sense of those same scenes.  It really has to do with what your expectations are and how willing you are to suspend disbelief.

In all of Prometheus there was one factor that I hated, and that was the terrible make-up job used to age Guy Pearce.  Don't think the question as to why they didn't just hire an older actor for his part didn't cross my mind, but I figure Scott has a plan.  If he's got another sequel coming, that may play into it.  Without seeing what he's up to, I can't say why he made the decision he did regarding Pearce's character.  What I can tell you is that the age make-up is horrible and a minor blemish on a movie that wasn't all that bad.

I actually enjoyed Prometheus, and I think it's because I went in expecting some new space movie.  I knew there were going to be references to the original Alien, but I wasn't expecting answers to the questions that movie originally raised.  Do you know why?  It's because those questions didn't occur to me when I watched Alien years ago.  They didn't occur to me when I re-watched Alien before seeing Prometheus.  Where the original xenomorph and its eggs came from was of little consequence; it wasn't the point of Alien.  Why does it need to be the point of Prometheus?  Many people seem to have felt that Prometheus exists to answer questions regarding xenomorph origin, Weyland-Yutani, and the space jockeys.  I never felt that way, and I enjoyed Prometheus.  Without having discussed this theory with others, I'm not sure if it will hold up, but both Mark and I enjoyed Prometheus.  I suggest going in expecting something new, not answers.  You'll enjoy the movie more if you do.

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