Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Walking Dead Adventure Game

Generally, video games based on popular movies and television shows are shoddy and not worth your time.  There are exceptions to ever rule.  I will always look fondly upon GoldenEye.*  Now, another game has come along to prove that games based on movies or television shows aren't always bad.  That Walking Dead adventure game is actually quite good.

As I'm more of a video game voyeur, I can't speak as to the controls.  Mark is playing it on our laptop, using the tv as a monitor.  He's rigged it up to let him use the X-Box 360 controller.  Since we got it working, he hasn't complained about the mechanics.  He did have one buggy issue with the targeting, but it was a single instance.

As opposed to being one big game, The Walking Dead is set up to into five chapters, which are being released over time.  Currently, episodes one through four are available.  We got the season pass on sale for only $15 on Steam, so i can't complain about the price.  Since each chapter takes about two hours, it is money well spent.

For me, a good story makes a good game.  Pretty graphics help, but they don't have to be perfect.  The Walking Dead doesn't have the best graphics, but they've used a style that hearkens back to a graphic novel style.  While there is the occasional disappearing Duck, the graphics are solid.

What really makes The Walking Dead worth your time is the story.  If you're familiar with the show, you know how dark it can be.  The game takes it to another level.  It also lets your choices influence the story and your interactions.  How you act matters.  It's one thing to watch a character die on the show, where you have no say.  It's another matter to have to choose between two characters, to decide which one deserves your help.  Some decisions are easy; others are hard.

Should you have the opportunity to play The Walking Dead, I would suggest that you do.  I also suggest that you have something happy to floss your brain with afterwards.

*I loved the Moonraker laser in multiplayer.

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