Monday, November 5, 2012

Planet Wings

I could be wrong, but I don't remember having wings when I was younger.  They are one of those foods that I associate with Mark.  I used to be a big fan of the barbecue wings at Quaker Steak and Lube.  The wings weren't anything special, but I loved that sauce.  We are constantly looking for good wings here in Myrtle Beach.  We usually order from Buffalo Wild Wings because you can get a decent number of wings for an okay price.  Of course, we then have to drive out 501 to pick up our order.  We have been keeping our eyes open for a closer place with good wings; tonight, we discovered Planet Wings.

I'm not sure how I feel about the mascot.

Located near the mall, next to Five Guys Burgers & Fries, Planet Wings has a good location.  Well, it's a good location for us.  Of course, where they're set up isn't that important when they deliver!  I'll let that sink in.  We can order wings from this place and have them delivered right to our door.  Of course, there are other places that will deliver wings to us, but those wings are pretty yucky.  

Before you assume that you can't eat in at Planet Wings, let me assure you that you can.  They actually have a small bar and a very nice seating area.  There are a few tables outside, with many more inside.  You have the choice between regular tables and booths, should you choose to dine in.

There are also a ton of TVs.  One of them was tuned to 
How I Met Your Mother!  Win!!!

I can't speak to the quality of the bar area, as we don't drink much.  I'm not sure what the prices are like for the alcohol.  It appears that they do have some sort of happy hour.  I forgot to take pictures of that sign; sorry.

Please, enjoy this picture of the bar area instead
of information regarding the bar area.

We opted to take our food home.  I was wearing a largely cream colored dress, and eating wings in it seemed like a terrible idea.  Once re-dressed in a Thundercats t-shirt, it was time to enjoy our meal.  As usual, we ordered way too much food.  Often, the first time we try a place, we will order too much.  It's our attempt to try most of the items that appeal to us to see if it is worth returning to the place in question.

Since I really wanted a salad, I ordered one.  It may be an odd dish to order at a wing place, but I never claimed to be normal.  I had the mixed green garden salad with crispy chicken.  I had them add cheese, as cheese makes everything better.  After dumping on some ranch, the salad was good to go.

I'm sorry, but I only had a picture of the
naked salad.  Please avert the eyes 
of children.

While I wouldn't say it was the best salad I ever had, I would say it was pretty good.  It was relatively standard.  It did have black olives on it, but those were easy to pick off.*  Mark assured me that the tomatoes were perfect.  The chicken was good, not too hard.  The cheese, rather than being shredded, appeared to be chopped up slices of American cheese.  Weird?  Yes.  Delicious?  Of course.

Apparently, most people are not familiar with putting fries on salads.**  Mark made a point of showing me that they offered not one, but two different kind of fries.  We opted to get curly fries, which never made it to my salad.  We also ordered some jalapeno cheddar poppers too.

Seasoned curlies making love to the camera.

When you get fries to go and they put them in those styrofoam containers, they often end up soggy.  Through the use of sorcery, these fries did not get soggy.  They were awesome, very tasty.  I didn't try the poppers.  Mark said they were okay but a bit cold.  I imagine if they were piping hot, he would have burnt himself.  They probably would have tasted awesome though.

Mark has this weird obsession with getting Mexican food at restaurants that aren't Mexican.  For example, there are Hardee's down here that also sell burritos.  He must have the burrito.  I don't know why.  When he saw that there was a Mexican portion of the menu at Planet Wings, that's what he wanted.  Yes, we went to a wing place, and he got a taco.  On a side note, we also got free nachos.

You heard nachos.

They have daily specials at Planet Wings.  Tonight, if you spent more than $15, you got free nachos with cheese.***  The nachos reminded me of the skating rink.  They were bag chips covered in cheese from a can.  Well, it could have been from a bag, but either way, it was just okay.  It was more than worth what we paid for it.****  I didn't taste Mark's taco, but he said it was pretty good.  It was a double decker taco.  If you have ever ordered one from Taco Bell, you know that they get soggy very quickly.  He said this one stayed crispy.

I've saved the best for last.  It's time to talk about wings.  Some places will let you split your wings into different flavors; others will not extend you that courtesy.  Planet Wings allows it but only in multiples of ten.  Because we wanted to try a couple of sauces, we ordered twenty wings: ten medium and ten leapin' lizard.

Medium to the left of me, lizard to the right...

I must say that these were some of the best wings I've had recently.  The medium were actually a bit on the mild side, but they were good.  The wings themselves were properly crispy.  Whomever cooked them did a perfect job.  There was no soggy meat present!*****  The absolute best part of the meal, however, were the leapin' lizard wings.  When we asked the girl to describe the sauce, she started out by telling us it was her favorite.  She then went on to say that it was like a pepper jelly mixed with cream cheese.  It was spicy yet sweet.  I didn't even slather them in ranch; I didn't need to.

To recap, they deliver, and the wings were amazing.  While it will be bad for us, I'm sure we'll be ordering from Planet Wings in the future.  I guess they're a largely northern chain, but I'm glad they expanded down here.  They weren't very busy when we were there, so I hope they pick up.  The food is good; give it a go!

*I appreciate when things I don't like on salad are kept in their complete state.  It's simple to pick off a big olive as opposed to one that is chopped up.

**I know that adding fries kind of negates the point of the salad.  Luckily, I wasn't eating it for the health benefits; I was eating it because it is tasty.  Try it sometime.

***Tomorrow is TACO TUESDAY!!!!

****If you weren't paying attention, we didn't pay anything for it.

****  /giggle

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