Sunday, November 18, 2012

Twilight (Missed one - November 9th)

While I think I've said all there is to say about the Twilight movies by now, I didn't want to leave the original out.  What's sad is that pretty much any review I write for one of these movies will apply for all.  They've gotten a bit better as time has gone along, which makes this on the worst of the bunch.

Let's start with the acting.  Somehow, actors that have shown promise in other films fall flat here.  It could be due to the dialogue or just the characters themselves.  Bella isn't exactly the smartest or wittiest character in the books.  She wants only one thing...Edward.  That makes for an uninteresting and lackluster main character.

The special effects are as laughable as ever.  It looks shabby when the "vampires" move quickly, and the sparkle effect is so off the mark that it is just embarrassing.  There were a lot of laughs had, but it wasn't because the film-makers intended for them to occur.

You can have fun watching Twilight, but even a die hard fan should be able to recognize the films failings.  Wooden, pained acting is just part of what makes Twilight so bad.  When you add in the effects and dialogue, this may as well have been a Sci-Fi movie.*

*Yes, I know I should have said Syfy, but I didn't want to.  It's my review, and I can do what I want.

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