Monday, July 16, 2012

Media Coverage of The Dark Knight Rises

As I'm sure you guessed, this isn't a traditional review.  This is one of those ones that's a little off the rails, but that's okay.  Variety is the spice of life, so let's talk about the media coverage surrounding the Dark Knight Rises.  Frankly, the reason I'm not even sure I'm qualified to talk about it is because I have been avoiding it like the plague.  Do you know how many reviews I expect to read before I see the film Thursday night?  None.  I know what I expect from the movie, and I know what I think I'll get.  I don't need to read a review before seeing it because I know I am going to see it.*

I spend a lot of time on Reddit, and I keep seeing headings that talk about random news stories spoiling the movie.  Letterman was accused of letting something slip while talking to Hathaway.  Certain channels have  been called out.  At this point, I doubt they're actually ruining the film.  I'm sure they're being careful to not ruin anything, as I'm sure there would be fines attached.  Sometimes, even the hint of a spoiler can be terrible though.

Trailers nowadays tend to give away much too much of films.  Last night, there was a Dark Knight Rises promo on that Mark pointed out.  I specifically avoided watching it.**  I want to know as little as possible when I walk into the film.  I have an idea of what is going to happen, or rather I have an idea of what I think will happen.  I could be wrong; I could be right.  What I'm not going to do is tell you what I expect.  That would color your view and experience, and I don't want that.  I'll write my spoiler free review after I see the movie, but if you don't read it before you see it, I won't be all butt hurt.  I'll understand.

*I've had my tickets for the marathon since June 13th, and I've been planning on taking opening day off since last year, before I even knew the exact release date.  I have a problem.

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