Thursday, July 12, 2012


To put it simply, it is rare that fast food is a good choice.  People eat fast food because it's cheap, fast, and easy.*  Too often, I find myself in that position, with little time to find noms.  Tonight, Mark had a work/social event he had to attend, which left me with little time to find nourishment.  As such, I grabbed some Hardee's.

The first of Hardee's smart choices was having Coke products.  I always think less of establishments serving Pepsi products.  They're bad; accept it.  

Their second wise decision was to make amazing chicken tenders.  When we first moved here, I went through a phase where all I wanted were chicken tenders with honey  mustard.  I must have tried them at almost any restaurant we visited that had them, and I must say that Hardee's has the best chicken tenders.  While it is annoying that you must wait so long for them, it's worth it because they are so tasty.  They're made fresh, and that's a good move.  Sometimes, they have little bits of hard breading, but on the whole, they're tasty and well made.  

Hardee's third positive move would be the onion rings.  They remind me of ones you would get at the drive-in, if I could still get to a drive-in.  They are more of a tempura type batter, rather than a heavy breading.  The onions are easy to bite through, and the onion rings smell good too.  I'm rather picky when it comes to onion rings, and Hardee's does a good job with them.  They may not be the best, but they're up there.

We've established that fast food is never a good choice, but if you have chicken tenders and onion rings from Hardee's, at least it's gonna taste good.  Mr. Kitty thinks the chicken tenders are amazing.  I know his opinion doesn't carry much weight since he poops in a box, but he's a fancy cat.

*I'm not going to make a joke about your mom, but I thought about it.

1 comment:

  1. It's like Hardee's Decided to take the best things from each fast food restaurant and make it their own. Hardee's is the Serpentor of fast food.
