Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tardis Mug

Mark and I like pretty much any Doctor Who merchandise.  We have slowly been accumulating more and more of it, but there is always room for additional pieces.  While we already have more mugs than we can actually use, we don't have Doctor Who mugs, so when we found one, we bought it.  It was maybe not our finest purchase.

Of course, this isn't just any old mug.  The Tardis actually disappears and reappears when you fill the cup with a hot beverage.  It's quite amazing.*  Aside from that, it is a decent size mug, very sturdy.  The quality of the mug itself is quite high.

Unfortunately, the mug does have some small problems.  Being cautious, I decided not to put it in the dishwasher.  I figure it probably tells you not to, but I'm too lazy to go looking for that information.  We try to be very careful with it, but the image has started to come off.  You'll see spots here and there where the image has rolled back.  They're small spots and easily missed, but I know they're there.  I'm not sure if we somehow did something to cause this, but I don't think so.  It may just be the result of use.

This Tardis mug is really, really neat.  If the image weren't messed up already, I would pronounce it an excellent buy.  With the flaws that have already begun appearing, it just wasn't worth the eleven or so dollars it cost us.  Well, maybe it was worth it.  It was really fun to watch the Tardis change sides when Mark used it.  Teehee.

*Thank you, Science!

1 comment:

  1. That's not the image peeling away, they're holes in the fabric of the universe. Someone call the doctor.
