Monday, February 6, 2012

Up All Night

Watching any sitcom on network television is risky, mainly because so many of them are so very bad.  Imagine my surprise when I checked out the first three episodes of Up All Night and was entertained.  It's a show about a couple that has a baby and the changes that ensue.  Now, I should avoid all shows with babies, as they usually  make me want one, but I'm glad I checked this show out.

The show is not awesome, not yet, but I have faith they'll get there.  There were a few moments where Mark and I laughed out loud during the first three episodes, and as the show as time to grow, I think it will get better.  There are some typical problems with the show, such as the unrealistic job situation.  Applegate's job isn't one that most of us will ever have the opportunity to hold.  Of course, this is a small complaint, one that you expect in most network television.

I don't know what it is like to have a baby.  I don't know what changes that forces on you, so I can't say whether or not they're doing a good job of portraying that facet of life.  In the first episode, there was a time when they kind of lost me.  What was going on didn't make sense and wasn't funny, but I feel they have recovered.  The only reason I watched two more episodes was to provide a more accurate review.  Luckily, it got better as it went on.

Applegate and Arnett are fun to watch because their characters are just plain dorky at times.  While their circumstances may not be realistic, you can sometimes think of someone you know doing or saying the dumb things the characters are doing.  Maya Rudolph's character, a talk show host, is funny as well.  Mark told me that it became much funnier when he realized she was supposed to be more like Tyra Banks, rather than Oprah.  He was right.

I would not go out and buy this show on dvd, not that it is to that point yet, but you get the idea.  I'll watch it for free when my favored shows aren't on or available.  If anything changes, I'll let you know.  Right now, you can find the episodes that have aired thus far on demand.

(Moved from FB - January 14, 2012)

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