Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sexy and I Know It

In general, I'm a classic rock kinda girl with an appreciation for Adele.  Unfortunately, I have a weakness for bad pop songs sometimes.  I've been shopping for Mark's birthday gifts the past couple of nights, and I kept hearing a song where some guy was singing about being sexy.  It was one of those catchy, yet oh so terrible songs, and it was growing on me.

Until a few hours ago, I had only heard it on the radio.  Tonight, I took the next step.  I looked up the video.  Mark was informing me about his own level of sexiness, and I decided that the song fit him.  I looked up the video to have him listen to the song.  Do you know what I found?

I found pure awesome.  Instead of a video with some over-pumped guy singing in front of a bunch of hussies, the guys in the video are anything but sexy.  At that point, if you haven't been listening to the lyrics, you start to. There are animal print shorts and cheeks being tanned.

The part of the video that sold me 100% was when they do a close-up of the lead singer while he is doing a dance*.  Is it ridiculously sexy?  Not when he does it.  You know who makes that dance sexy?  Mark.  When the guys started doing Mark's sexy dance, I was sold.

The music itself is quite catchy, which is how those pop songs get me.  The lyrics are funny, when you take the time to listen to them.  Do I know that you are all silently judging me now?  Oh yeah, but that's okay.  I'm willing to admit my poor taste in music if it gets just one more person addicted to this song.  This is my Jason X (Jason in Space) of music.  I've listened to enough Led Zeppelin to balance my music karma for this one song.  If I pick out any others of this level though, I'll have to start listening to at least five hours of Queen each day.  That wouldn't be so bad actually...

*You can see exactly what I'm talking about at the one minute mark.  Click this link, and change your life forever!

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