Monday, September 24, 2012

The Fall of Theramore - Scenario

I have not played my World of Warcraft main in months.  It has been a very long time, but I dusted her off because Mark really wanted to do the Fall of Theramore scenario before it instated its level 90 requirement. Because there was an item level requirement, Mark had to run quite a few instances.  I, on the other hand, was already geared enough to go.  I spent a bit more time with the Cata expansion than Mark.

My shabby playing aside, the scenario went quite smoothly.  Unlike traditional instances, you only run through with three people rather than the traditional five.  On top of that, it did not ask about party roles.  We were a mage, a rogue, and a druid.*  We had no tank, but that didn't seem to matter.  Frrankly, heals weren't even important.

My main impression from the run was wondering why we wanted to destroy Theramore.  Last I knew, there was a peace of sorts.  Now, we're just blowing up the Alliance.  What did i miss?  Granted, the holes in my lore knowledge are my own fault for leaving WoW.  Still, it confused me.

Perhaps there is a lot of information given out in the scenario itself.  Since we were playing with a random mage lady who was familiar with the scenario, she ran off to complete goals.  As such, we followed.  It didn't seem right to meander around, taking it in, when the mage was out there getting into fights.

I think the ideal way to experience the Fall of Theramore is as a level 90 who is up to date on the lore.  The experience itself is a bit boring, but you lose a lot when you don't really know what's going on.  The idea of the scenarios is intriguing, as long as it isn't to replace traditional instances.  It seems we get less and less with each expansion.  I'm hoping the scenarios are not a substitute for quality instances.  From what I've heard, we should be fine.  Of course, I haven't researched it much.  I'm just going to trust that Blizzard knows what they're doing.  While their track record is not spotless, it's pretty good.

*I miss being able to call myself a tree, as opposed to a healing spec druid.

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