Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bath & Body Works Candles - Coco Lobo

I included the scent in the review title, but I guess that's not the important thing.  What we're actually going to be talking about are the candles themselves.  Since scent is such a personal preference, I won't presume to tell you which scents are best.  I do like Coco Lobo, but that's irrelevant.

When I was younger, Yankee candles were the cream of the crop.  If you were fancy and had a distinguished nose, you were paying the inflated prices for Yankee candles.  Since then, there are additional brands that offer great scented candles.*  I tend to buy a lot of my candles at Bath & Body Works nowadays.

Bath & Body Works carries Statkin & Co. candles, and they are so often on sale that you never have to pay full price for them.  There are a multitude of scents in a variety of sizes.  Want to try a scent and make sure you like it?  You can buy the little sampler size candles.  Want a candle that's going to put out a strong scent and burn for a while?  Check out the three wick candles that burn for about thirty hours.

In the past, I never really burned a candle all the way to the bottom.  I would get to the point where it would be in the last quarter of its life and just throw it out.  I actually burn through my candles from Bath & Body Works.**  I can have the entire condo smelling nice with two of the three wick candles.***

The other great perk when you buy candles at Bath & Body Works, aside from the almost constant sales, is the coupons.  You can usually get a coupon to save even more money off of your purchase.  You can join their email list, or you can use the coupons they hand out with every purchase.  I even get coupons in the mail.

Perhaps the best part is that when you find a scent you like, they probably have it in items other than candles.  They have the scent discs for in your car, closet, or wherever you choose.  Some scents are available in the hand soaps and sanitizers.  The only downside is when your seasonal scent goes away.  That's rough, but they're always coming out with something new.

When it comes to candles, I shop at Bath & Body Works.  I visit Yankee Candle on occasion  but they never impress me as much.  I haven't found a scent I love yet, but when I do, I'll let you know how they hold up.

*I don't know if you've tried those Wood Wick candles or not, but they are really neat.  It's totally a gimmick, but it works on me.

**When I say "my" candles, I really mean "our" candles.  Mark is really into the candle picking process.  I think he likes Bath & Body Works more than I do.

***This comes in handy when Mr. Kitty drops the kittens off in the litter box.

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