Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Pirates Voyage - Customer Service & Gift Shop

Now, I know you're sitting there thinking that I already reviewed Pirates Voyage*, and you would be right.  I reviewed the dinner show.  At the time, however, the focus was pretty much just on the show and the food.  Today, I had the privilege of experiencing both their customer service and their gift shop.

I suppose I should explain why we were at the Pirates Voyage gift shop.  Those of you who read the review will recall that we actually saw the show last February with our good friends, Rick & Tara.**  The important detail about our trip was that we dressed as pirates.  Our costumes were good enough that people assumed we worked there.***  All four of our costumes were quite good.

Here, in the present day, Mark and I are in the process of tweaking our costumes.  It just so happens that we will be attending the Disney Halloween party when we visit there with my parents in October.  Because my mother, who is my own personal seamstress, is quite busy, I don't feel right asking her to sew costumes for us.  When you factor in that Mark loves dressing up as a pirate,**** it only made sense for us to resurrect the pirate costumes.

After a lovely dinner, we decided to just swing by Pirates Voyage and see if they would let us look around the shop.  We were worried they would not if we were paying to see the show.  This is a valid concern, as the gift shop is right by where you enter the show.  Less honest people could attempt to sneak in.

Mark pulled up front, and I went in to see if we could visit the gift shop.  I explained to the nice girl, who was reading a book and playing on her phone, that we had been there months ago and were now looking for costume accessories.  She said they don't usually allow people to visit the gift shop when they're not seeing the show.  Going above and beyond, she called her manager to see what could be done.  While explaining the situation to management, the girl referred to us as people that like to dress up as pirates.  It was kinda funny, at least to me.

Luckily, the manager sent someone out to escort us to the shop.  I gave Mark the good news, and he went to park the car.  By the time he returned, the two pirate employees and I were having a fine chat.  We were called scalawags multiple times.****  As he led us to the shop, we discussed pirate swords and what they had in stock.

When we reached the gift shop, he told us to loot and plunder.  It was a nice touch and very cute.  There is quite a bit of stuff in the store.  We had a variety of swords to choose from and even more hats.  In the end, we bought a sword, a hat, and a pirate pistol.

When we checked out, the lady manning the register kept up the pleasant encounters.  She talked to us about what we were buying and made good small talk.  They even let us both use the restrooms.******  I ended up speaking to yet another employee who was friendly and happy.

I know I did a review of Halloween supply stores the other day, but if you're looking for pirate accessories, Pirates Voyage has a surprisingly good selection, and the prices were comparable to the other shops.  It didn't succeed in making me want to watch the show again, but it did make me want to go back to Disney World.  Once again, Pirates Voyage succeeds in impressing me.


*In case you're wondering, I went to the website to see whether or not they used an apostrophe.

**They go together so well that you must join them with the ampersand; the word "and" just isn't good enough.

***This could also be because people don't expect childless adults to dress up as pirates.

****He used to dress up as the Pasta Pirate to entertain kids when we worked at Fazoli's in college.  You should ask him about it sometime.

*****Which is awesome, by the way.

******I had to pee, as did Mark.  We had just had dinner; don't judge me.

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