Sunday, August 5, 2012

True Blood

True Blood is a vastly entertaining show that's about as filling and healthy as movie theater popcorn.  In a world filled with supernatural creatures, you follow the story of one Sookie Stackhouse*, telepathic waitress.  Her interactions with vampires, werewolves, shifters, fairies, and the like add up to be an amazing soap opera.

True Blood is anything but serious.  At the same time, it is a whole bunch of fun.  The idea of supernatural creatures going mainstream is fascinating, and it gives the show a nice backdrop.  The lack of seriousness allows the show to go places I wouldn't have thought possible.  I had read the Sookie Stackhouse books before the show aired, so I thought I knew what to expect.  While season one stayed on point for the most part, the show has seriously deviated since, but that's not a bad thing.  The HBO show is its own animal.

While the plot can be hard to swallow at times**, the dialogue is often clever and humorous, drawing in the viewer.  Lafayette has some of the best lines, and his character is fun to watch.  During his time on the show, Edgington has had his fair share of show stealing scenes.  The writers are constantly giving the actors humorous lines that fit their characters.  There are not one or two characters that are comedic relief.  The humor is spread throughout, making it more believable.  Everyone has their funny moments.

Aside from the fun dialogue, the show is populated by talented actors.  For goodness' sake, Robert Patrick*** was in tonight's episode.  He didn't do much, but he was there!  Mark and I are convinced that Rutina Wesley, Tara on the show, would have been a better choice to play Storm than Halle Berry was at the time.  Let's not forget Pam****; she's another one that constantly steals scenes.

The special effects are pretty good.  It's not often I'm pulled out of the show because of them, which is always nice.  There was a terrible effect in an episode a couple weeks ago, with a woman coming out of a pool of blood.  I'm not going to hold that against them though.

If you have an aversion to nudity, watching True Blood will cure you of that.  They randomly parade people around sans clothes.  Because it usually fits with what is going on or is covered by moderately important dialogue, you stop noticing.  Someone's naked?  I didn't even notice.  Okay, maybe I noticed, but I just didn't care.  I am afraid to ask Mark if he cared.

Most of the HBO shows I watch are pretty deep.  What True Blood lacks in depth, it makes up for in fun.  The show is one of those ones that you sometimes wonder if you should admit to watching.  Go ahead; admit it.  Revel in the fun.  If you're not watching it, stop being such a fuddy duddy.  Go check it out.

*I have always thought that name was silly, but perhaps, that's the point.

**If this were a less classy review, I would make an inappropriate joke here.

***He was the freaking liquid metal terminator!

****I was going to type out the actress' name, but it was very long.

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