Friday, August 24, 2012

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

I have a problem.  I struggle when watching shows where the entire cast consists of characters that are bad people.  I'm not talking about people that are evil or people that do bad things.  I used to watch the Shield, and I am a current watcher of Breaking Bad.  Although, you could argue that there are characters of value in those shows that are regularly featured, hence invalidating my argument.  I could never get into Seinfeld because the four main characters were self obsessed douchbags; I don't feel bad saying that, as it was intentional.  Sometimes, I find myself struggling when I watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia follows a group of friends.  They frequently hang out at their bar, but they always manage to participate in zany hi-jinks.  There isn't a whole lot of character growth thus far.  None of the characters learn anything.  The only real change has been the addition of Danny Devito as a regular.  While I enjoy him being on the show, it was equally entertaining beforehand.*

This is actually a really hard review to write.  I like watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia because it is funny.  It's also very, very dark.  I can't watch too many episodes at once because it hurts my soul.  Watching stupid, selfish people do horrible things takes its toll.  At the same time, there isn't a whole lot of reward in it for them, which is the only reason I think I can stand to watch it.

You should probably try at least a couple of episodes of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.  It's one of those shows that you really have to try out for yourself.  It's funny but dark.  The characters are mean but stupid.  The show is good but rough.  It's an adventure.

*I only say this because I initially thought he joined the cast to save the show.  While his inclusion may have stayed the hand of those that cancel shows, the show was still good in its first season.

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