Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Louis C. K. : Hilarious

I have heard wonderful things about Louis C. K. from a number of people, but I had very little knowledge of his works.  I had watched him in Parks and Recreation, which I found thoroughly enjoy; I thought he did a wonderful job on the show.  I saw an episode of a show he had on HBO a few years back, but it didn't appeal to me.  Recently, I have become a big fan of reddit; there have been some links showcasing some of his comedy.  This prompted me to turn on his comedy special, Louis C. K. : Hilarious.  I found it to be enjoyable, but it wasn't hilarious.  If you have seen the show, you will know that he would appreciate me not labeling it as such.

Hilarious is about an hour and a half of Louis C. K. doing stand-up.  During the first half or so, I was entertained.  I smiled a bit at some of the jokes, but I wasn't laughing out loud.  Some people that I really respect had told me how great Louis C. K. was, so I was a bit worried that I wasn't enjoying the show as much as I though I should.

While watching the show, I kept trying to figure out what I was missing.  The biggest disconnect for me is a lack of experience with some of the topics he was discussing.  For example, he spends some time talking about being single and going out to bars.  He further discusses the type of people that you encounter in those situations.  I found this to all be humorous, but because I don't have a very intimate knowledge of these situations, it was hard for me to relate.  His delivery is great and made the show enjoyable anyway.

The show was probably two-thirds of the way over when he started talking about his daughters.  At this point, his stories just caused me to lose it.  I don't have children right now, so maybe my not being amazed by his earlier anecdotes was just a matter of personal taste, because his stories about his daughters were great.  I learned that ponies bite and little kids can poop piles as big as themselves.  Do I need to know this to survive in life?  Only if I have kids or go near ponies.  Was it funny to hear about his experiences with his kids?  Most definitely.

Louis C. K. is a very funny man, and I enjoyed his show.  For  me, the payoff was the stories about his daughters; that alone made it all worth my time.  Personally, his self pleasuring stories and genitalia jokes weren't really up my alley, but they didn't really bother me either.  If you can handle adult language and aren't too bothered by the inappropriate, check out Hilarious.  I'm going to be checking out Louis' show that is on FX, if I can find the episodes for free legally.  We'll see how that hunt goes...

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