Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cartoon Network

Having no children and being of an adult age, I probably shouldn't admit that my television is usually tuned to Cartoon Network.  Cartoons are largely believed to be for children, so when I mention Cartoon Network to others in passing, they assume I have kids.  When I tell them I do not, they just think I'm immature and/or weird.  Well, by now, most of you know I'm weird, but watching Cartoon Network as an adult isn't a bad thing.

First of all, Cartoon Network provides adult programming starting at 9pm with King of the Hill.  You can watch shows aimed at adults up until 6am.  When 6am hits, the programming reverts to kids' shows, but it starts with Looney Tunes.  I know some people hate them, but it brings back memories of watching them after school.  I have a soft spot for Looney Tunes, with the exception of Tweety Bird.  I hate him.  I would love for Sylvester to finally eat him, but alas, I shall never see that.

The beauty with Cartoon Network is that it is a good channel to have on in the background while I'm writing reviews or reading reddit.  If I am trying to fall asleep at 2am, I like to have the tv on, and Cartoon Network is a pretty good option.  There are quite a few channels that switch over to infomercials overnight, but Cartoon Network doesn't do that.

As far as children's programming goes, there are some quality shows on Cartoon Network.  Adventure Time and Ben Ten Alien Force are two of my favorites.  Mark enjoyed the re-vamped Thundercats cartoon.  You can find decent shows for your kids to watch; don't be afraid to watch those shows with them.  I've heard much about how tv is bad and violent cartoons cause violence in children.  When parents are involved in a responsible way, this is not the case.  Enjoy cartoons with your kids; I know that when the time comes, I will.

At the same time, I also acknowledge that not all the shows on Cartoon Network are worth watching.  Beyblade is an absolutely  horrible show.  Not that cartoons always do, but it makes no sense!  It's about kids using spinning tops to do battle.  Trust me...it's worse than I'm making it sound.  Stay away from it!  Actually, watch an episode and decide for yourself.

Give Cartoon Network a shot sometime.  Don't discount it because it is full of cartoons.  There is quality programming to be had there.  Turn it on sometime; I know it's on in our house.

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