Monday, May 28, 2012

PS3 Remote

If you have a Playstation 3 and watch movies on it, which you should because it's a Blu-ray player, you should invest in one of the PS3 remotes.

There are a number of reasons this is a good investment:

  1. You don't have to worry about the battery in the controller constantly needing charged.  The battery life in the remote is much longer than that of the controllers.
  2. It is much easier to navigate the menu screens of your favorite movies with the remote control.  I don't find myself hitting a random button, hoping it will return me to the menu.  I know which buttons do what, and it is glorious.
  3. Having the remote helps with my OCD.  If I am arranging my remotes on the table, I'm not annoyed that one of them is really a Playstation controller.
  4. Inevitably, if you are using a Playstation controller rather than a remote control, you will forget to charge it.  This means you'll have a silly cord running from the coffee table to the Playstation itself.
The only real downside is the potential for losing the remote control.  It is fond of diving between couch cushions and under tables.  These are places that are not friendly to the Playstation controller; it generally won't fit in these places to become lost.

If you have a Playstation 3 and use it to watch movies or television, be sure to pick up one of the remote controls.  We spent years without one and are now very happy to have one.


  1. I reviewed a game called Mini Ninjas on instant geekery and I found a driver that let's me use my ps3 controller with my mac computer through a blue tooth connection. Also, the controls and buttons were already assigned and ready to play mini ninjas.

  2. I find that there are more and more ways to connect the different platforms. When Steam had their recent sale, we picked up quite a few games. It turns out that we can play Limbo using the X-Box controller with very little effort.
