Tuesday, May 29, 2012


It is generally dangerous to judge a comedy show based on its pilot episode.  There are some great comedies that don't hit their stride right off the bat and take weeks or even months to reach their pinnacle.  Some shows may even take a year or two.  Judging a show by its pilot if a bad idea, but I'm going to do it anyway, as I have only had time to watch the first episode of Louie.

A couple weeks back, I watched a comedy special of Louie C.K.'s.  I recall enjoying the humor that was based around his kids the most.  His show, thus far, has some comedy based on his interactions with his children, as well as the adventures of being a single 40-something year old father.

The first episode has me interested enough that I will continue to watch the show.  However, if it doesn't get a bit more interesting, it will lose me.  I understand that in the early episodes we are getting to know Louie.  Until the audience has that connection with him, it will be harder to watch the show.  Luckily, I'm confident he can pull it off.  Frankly, I've heard so many good things about the show that I want to keep watching anyway.

Based solely on the first episode, Louie C.K. is a very awkward man.  I don't think he actually is, but that is how they're playing it on the show.  It works, and he does such a good job of it that it is uncomfortable at times.  In particular, his exclamation regarding his daughter's medical condition in the first episode is so cringe-worthy, but that's the point.  Louie C.K. is very good playing what is essentially himself, which is probably why it works so well.

I look forward to checking out more episodes of Louie.  There is a lot of promise in the first episode, and I look forward to watching the show find its stride.

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