Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Walker Pure Butter Shortbread Scottie Dogs

Being in a relationship is a way to broaden your horizons. Suddenly, you give this other person's opinion weight. You try things they suggest, restaurants they endorse. This doesn't have to be a romantic relationship; it can be a co-worker or your crazy aunt who gives all her cats three names that convinces you to try new things. A relationship serves many purposes, but the one people often overlook is the exposure to experiences you would otherwise pass by. Dating and marrying Mark was like a doorway into a whole new world of food. Before I started dating Mark, I had never been to an Olive Garden. I considered Hoss' to be fancy. There's nothing wrong with that, but there is so much more out there! One of the less impactful food items Mark brought to my attention were the Walker shortbread cookies.

Now, if a cookie doesn't have chocolate, peanut butter, or icing, I generally don't want anything to do with it. My mom used to make those peanut butter kiss cookies at Christmas. You know, the ones with the peanut butter type cookie topped off with a Hershey's kiss. My goal was to eat the chocolate and toss the cookie. We usually had dogs around, so it was easy to dispose of the evidence.* The idea of eating sugar cookies was a joke. If they had frosting, we could talk, but it wasn't likely to happen.

Isn't he the cutest??

For whatever reason, I really like the Walker shortbread cookies.** It might be the "butter" in the description, but they are seriously good. They're firm little cookies with a rich buttery flavor. These ones are even better because they're shaped like little scottie dogs. Mark likes to have them with tea. I just like to eat them!

I'm sorry. I know I should have 
used a banana for scale.

For Christmas the past few years, I have picked up a tin of these cookies for Mark. This year, I was being cheap. They were $20 for a tin, and that just felt too expensive. Luckily, after Christmas, we were able to get those same tins for only $5! We got a black one and a white one.***

Next time you're near a World Market, try these cookies out.**** They don't have to be shaped like scottie dogs, but I'm pretty sure they taste better that way. You can eat them out of the box or dip them in tea, if you're weird like that.

*Sorry, mom. Seriously, I am also not the person that ate the cream out of a whole package of Oreos. That had to have been Mark...or Mr. Kitty...

**They also make good chocolate chip cookies.

***These tins work well for storing Christmas ornaments. I then display the tins over the holidays. I'm not super special when it comes to decorating; I might just be super special.

****You can get them other places too, but I don't know which stores carry them off of the top of my head.

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