Friday, March 29, 2013

To 3D or Not to 3D - A Cinemablend Feature

I used to love  I still respect the website, but it doesn't appeal to me as much anymore.  I rarely visit the site anymore.  However, if I'm trying to decide whether or not to spring for 3D, I wander over that way for the "To 3D or Not to 3D" articles.

I've always been pretty open to the fact that 3D is just a gimmick.  I'm sure there are some filmmakers who feel it really can add something to their art, but a great deal of 3D is done to make money.  That's a nice fee to tack onto already expensive tickets.  That being said, there are films that are neat in 3D.  Luckily, someone over at Cinemablend takes the time to figure out which films those are.

Before going to see the new GI Joe movie last night, I wanted to see what Cinemablend had to say.  They break their review down into multiple categories, so you can get a good feel for the 3D quality.  They discuss factors such as the darkness*, the effects that come out of the screen towards you, and the nausea factor.  They do a pretty thorough job of letting you know when it is worth the extra money for a 3D experience.

It would be worth your time to check out the "To 3D or not to 3D" feature on Cinemablend.  I may not always agree with their film reviews, but they haven't steered me wrong yet on 3D.  My hats off to them.

*I attack the darkness.

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