Monday, February 18, 2013

Beautiful Creatures

With the success of Twilight, there has been a surge of movies made based on teen romance novels of the supernatural sort.  I've heard reference made to Zombie Twilight when referencing Warm Bodies, and I've heard people refer to Witch Twilight when discussing Beautiful Creatures.  While Warm Bodies was much more than Twilight, that does happen to be a fitting title for Beautiful Creatures.*

While it may be poor form to compare this film to Twilight throughout the review, it is hard not to do so.  Twilight is the relatively poor film that most novels adaptations of this sort will hearken back to, as it was so successful.  It feels as if the movie companies are just trying to find the next Twilight.

Let's talk about what Beautiful Creatures does right.  First of all, they have procured a pretty talented cast.  While Jeremy Irons will chew scenery when he's feeling randy, he is actually quite the talented actor.  Of course, he has to have something to work with.  Emma Thompson and Viola Davis bring additional talent to the cast.  Even our young leads do a decent job.**

Further aiding the film are the decent production values.  Overall, the movie looks pretty good.  There are some CGI enhanced scenes that are obvious, but they're not terribly bad.  I appreciate the attempts to use practical effects when feasible.

Unfortunately, that sums up the good.  Now, let's move on to the bad.  The biggest problem facing Beatiful Creatures is the adaptation itself.  The story feels hollow, like there is a bunch of material being left out.  With any adaptation, that is to be expected.  A good movie will find a way around that.  Beautiful Creatures misses that mark.  Neither the characters nor the story feel fleshed out.  Characters are included because they were in the novel, but they never really amount to much.  

Beautiful Creature isn't a bad movie, nor is it a good movie.  While I was entertained during the film, I just never felt particularly attached to anyone.  The characters fail to connect, and it is a shame.  You can watch Beautiful Creatures, but I wouldn't pay to see it in the theater.

*Although, Mark and I like to think of it as a movie about Profion after he has decided to clean up his life and become less evil.  Mark declared us Team Profion upon seeing previews for this movie.

**They are of a higher quality than Kristen Stewart.  Of course, that isn't saying much.

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