Friday, January 3, 2014

Mary Kay: Satin Hands

Before we even get started, can we agree that this title looks like the title of a weird romance novel or a of the soft core ones?* Anyway, we're here to talk about Satin Hands lotion by Mary Kay.**

It looks innocent enough.

While the cold doesn't visit Myrtle Beach all that often, it does occasionally rear its ugly head. The problem is that I'm no longer prepared to deal with it. I was shocked when my hands got so dry today that they started to hurt. I discovered this fact after applying hand sanitizer. Luckily, I keep a bottle of Bath and Body Works lotion in my desk drawer at work. Unfortunately, when I put some of that on, it just kept burning.

After arriving home tonight, I was too lazy to go find my Cetaphil, and there just so happened to be a sample of Mary Kay lotion sitting on my computer desk which a Mary Kay consultant gave to me. Now, I don't have much to do with make-up, so I'm not really all that familiar with the quality of Mary Kay products. I know a lot of women swear by them, but I was pretty indifferent. Note, that was past tense.

As of tonight, I am a believer in Mary Kay, or at least this lotion. It has a mild scent which is pretty, but the perfume is not so strong that it made my hands hurt. They actually feel better now. With some lotions, you can't really touch the screen on your smart phone after application, as you'll leave smears on it due to the greasy quality of the lotion. This Mary Kay stuff didn't present me with that problem.

Let's sum this up....

  1. Mild and pleasant scent
  2. Leaves hands soft
  3. Does not leave hands greasy
Seriously, what more can you ask of a lotion? I am a bit sad that I can't include the lasting effects of the lotion, as I was too eager to write this. If it doesn't keep up the good work, I'll let you know. Also, I have no idea what the going rate is for this liquid gold, as it was a free sample. If the consultant is just looking to get me hooked, she may have done her job. Now, where did I leave her card....

*Let me be clear. I haven't watched a porno, so I'm making pop culture guided leaps here.

**Seriously, it just seems dirty.

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