Saturday, January 12, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

Every year, people make New Year's resolutions.  If what I read on the internet is the least bit accurate*, a chunk of those people have already given up.  While New Year's resolutions can be useful, they're only as good as your determination and support.

Last year, I decided to write a review on a daily basis.**  My goal was mainly to add a bit of discipline to my life.  I had actually intended to add a new daily task each month.  I got all the way to August before that went to the wayside.  Some tasks were easy, others not so much.  The one goal that I managed to stick with was my writing.  There was the occasional miss, but I was careful to put up a heading for something I did that day.***  This lead to my week of catch up writing the week prior to New Years.

Perhaps the stress of trying to get all 366 reviews up before the end of the year burnt me out.  It could have been the criticism I received after my husband's well meaning post regarding my work on Reddit.****  I might have just been tired.  Either way, this is my first review written this year.  I've put up headings since day one and have notes and thoughts, but this is the first time I've actually put fingers to keyboard.*****

I succeeded with my daily reviews last year.  It wasn't precisely a New Year's resolution, but it happened at that same time.  I may have hesitated to call it a New Year's Resolution last year because I thought it that title was indicative of failure.  I don't see those resolutions as being completed very often.  I know I have never successfully changed my behavior that way in the past.

If I have to declare a New Year's resolution this year, I would once again have it be tied into my daily reviews.  I can go through last year's posts and point out the quickly and carelessly written ones.  This year, I don't want it to be so apparent.  I've always been one of those slackers that just writes from their head.  I don't make rough drafts.  I don't re-read what I write.  I just pour it out and move on.  This year, I will re-read each post to verify its quality.  If you're going to take the time to read it, that's the least I can do.

As you probably expected, this review wandered a bit off topic.  Rather than just reviewing the idea of New Year's resolutions, I focused on my own experiences.  In reality, New Year's resolutions are rarely successful.  I only managed to get through last year's goal by putting these posts out there for my friends and family to see.  The fact that I usually enjoy writing them just makes it easier.  Now, let's see if I can do a better job this year.  I'm already behind, but it wasn't until today that I decided I wanted to continue on.

Thanks for your support.

*They can't put it on the internet if it isn't true.

**I use the term review loosely.

***When I arrive home from a movie going experience at 1 AM, it is incredibly difficult to write anything of quality.

****Mark, being his usual sweet self, posted my blog to reddit.  He wanted people to say some kind words regarding my year of writing.  There were some very nice people.  Of course, there were also well meaning critics.  I appreciate their attempts at helping me become a better writer, but it is still hard to see commentary about how one's thoughts are scattered and uninteresting.

*****Pen to paper sounds so much more dramatic, but it just wouldn't be accurate.

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