Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Best Bathroom Door Ever (Friday, December 14th)

When you vacation or travel, you use a lot of different bathrooms.  You suddenly find yourself dropping your trousers in places you never would have.  Even when you're home, you sometimes have to use the non-home restroom.  The scariest part of these unusual comfort stations are the other patrons.*  Have you ever seen those people that come out of the stall and walk out of the restroom without washing their hands?  I have, and it is downright gross.  Of course, I try not to judge.  That being said, I don't want to touch that door handle that you just rubbed your palms on.  

In my experience, there aren't a lot of choices for not touching the door handle in the restroom if you have to pull to open.  You can wait until someone else opens it, but that's not always viable.  Sometimes, you're the only customer, or it is a one stall bathroom.  This means no one should be opening that door because you locked it. 

Until recently, I believed that the best bathrooms had a garbage can near the door.  This gave you the option of using your paper towel to open the door.  You could then toss the paper towel into the garbage can.  It was a pretty sweet set up.

Now, that's all changed. There are automatic bathroom doors!**  These amazing doors just require that you wave your hand in front of the sensor to open them.  Is it an unnecessary expense?  Sure!  Does it still make me so giddy that I take a picture of it?


More and more bathroom items are becoming automatic.  I love it even though we don't really need it.  Regardless, if you happen to be traveling through Florida and see a Daily's in a fancy area, you can safely pee there.  You won't have to touch the door!

Home of awesome bathroom doors!

*Obviously, a dirty bathroom is frightening.  Usually, bathrooms aren't too bad.  You can find clean ones.  You can't control who is using those places, but you can choose ones that are less likely to be full of dirty diapers and poop smears.

**There aren't enough of them, but hopefully, they breed like rabbits!

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