Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Disney Food Blog

Every once in a while, you find two great tastes that taste great together, like peanut butter and jelly or peanut butter and chocolate. The Disney Food Blog takes two of my favorites and puts them together. It's got Disney and food porn. What more could you want??

They recently had a review of the new flavors available for
sample at Club Cool. These are the old flavors.

The Disney Food Blog* features regular posts about food in Disney. They cover Florida, California, and they even had a post about Toyko Disneyland the other day. The posts are chock full of pictures and review the food you can get at Disney**. From cupcakes to turkey legs, they've covered pretty much everything.

They often have cross-section photos of the food.
It's more impressive when it's a 

They also feature very in depth reviews about some of the restaurants. Is a new dining venue about to open? They probably have the menu and have maybe even been to a preview. Wonder what the seating area is like in a particular restaurant? There is probably a picture in their review with a detailed description of noise level and food quality.

Unlike me, they would be able to easily identify each
item in this picture. I can tell you that was the best 
flat bread I ever had.

If you're planning a trip to Disney, or if you just like to look at all things Disney, the Disney Food Blog is for you. As someone that regularly photographs my Disney food, it's right up my alley. Since they often know about new snacks and treats, it's a good place to see what's new. You should have fun eating on vacation, and they know how to help you do it!

Finally, here is today's bonus picture.
It's Mark eating candied strawberries!
They were good but weird!

*I still don't like that word.

**On occasion, they even highlight near by venues that are not on Disney property.

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