Sunday, January 5, 2014

Breyer's Hot Fudge Ice Cream a Pouch!!!

Do you know what the saddest thing to happen to me today was? Sonic was out of bananas, so they could not sell Mark and I banana splits.* We had to take matters into our own hands. The only other option was to purchase the banana split goods. We decided to swing by BiLo and then make our own banana splits.

For me, I like my banana splits with lots of banana, barely any ice cream, and an obscene amount of hot fudge. We gathered the goods in that order, and when we checked out the topping sections, we discovered that Breyer's sells multiple types of sauces in microwaveable pouches. We threw the hot fudge into our little basket and were on our way.

It's in a sexy pouch!

Let's talk about the good aspects of this hot fudge sauce. It comes in a nifty pouch! You wouldn't consider that to be very special, but it is. In the past, I have purchased my hot fudge in a glass container. It can get very, very hot when microwaved. Additionally, it can be very messy. If you pour it, you get a mess on the rim. If you spoon it**, you leave little hot fudge trails everywhere. This pouch sauce negates both of these problems, so it is approved by the OCD in me.***

Look at that baby pour.

Unfortunately, that's about all this topping had going for it. The taste and consistency were both lacking. For a fair comparison to other hot fudge toppings, I would need to buy and try those with the same brand of ice cream, but for tonight, let's just say that I won't be buying this sauce again. It was not thick enough. Sometimes if you over-heat hot fudge, it can thin out. This sauce, however, was not over-heated. It also tasted a bit salty. It's possible that was a by-product of the Blue Bell vanilla ice cream, as I did not taste the hot fudge right out of the pouch.****

If you're looking for hot fudge, look elsewhere. I've never discovered a hot fudge in the grocery store that holds a candle to the hot fudge most restaurants use, and since I don't buy ice cream fixings too often for my home, it may be a long time til I look again.

In honor of the man that always cleaned his banana split
container at Dairy Queen, today's bonus
picture is of my dad. He's pretty

*Admittedly, this isn't a big deal, and I am happy to name it the worst occurrence of the day for me. I know this is a first world problem.

**Also, the ice cream and banana get jealous.

***I am not actually diagnosed with OCD, nor am I making fun of those with OCD.

****I once saw a puppy eat soft serve right from the source. It was not cute.

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