Sunday, January 3, 2016

Decor Flame Infrared Electric Stove

Living in the south is pretty great. We have a decided lack of snow, which I can totally get behind. At the same time, I hate, hate, hate turning on our heat. It doesn't help that the bill gets just ridiculous.* This year, I have tortured my poor husband by letting it drop to 60 degrees pretty regularly in the house. He's legitimately worried about our cat freezing to death. My parents decided to be awesome and get us a heater and new quilt for Christmas. I'm pretty sure Mark is in love with the Decor Flame Infrared Electric Stove.

A wild box appears. Open it?

Whenever we have talked about getting a space heater, I have feared burning alive.** If the space heater isn't safe, it isn't worth having. Our new heater sits up from the floor on legs, which gets it away from the carpet. This makes me feel safer. As it has been running, I have touched the various surfaces***, and they have all felt fine. There has been no particularly hot spot. Mark says the bottom will be the warmest part, and he reports it doesn't get too hot either.

We have a good sized bedroom, and it is super comfy in there right now. We ran the heater overnight, and I actually ended up on top of our quilt at one point in time because I was too warm. Since Mark is not feeling well, I didn't want to be a bully and turn down the heat. Also, I may not have known how to reduce the heat...and it was dark....

Like I said...dark and spooky...

Upon rising this morning, I didn't feel the need to layer up before going around the house. That was a mistake. I expected that the house wasn't too cold because our bedroom was so warm. It turns out the rest of the house was at 62 degrees. That's not that cold in the scheme of things, but it is pretty chilly when you're in your PJs and expect it to be warmer.

Behold! Mr. Bijou Phillips Kitty Esq.
and Mark all bundled and 
watching TV before lunch
in a room with no
magic heater.

Long review short****, the heater worked like a charm. The room stayed warm, and I am no longer afraid of it starting a fire. It's only been one day, but I'm pretty sure the heater is our new best friend. Of course, I need to see my next electric bill to be sure. The internet assures me that it shouldn't be more than about $30 a month to run, and you know everything you read on the internet is true.***** If you're looking for a heater, this one seems pretty great. I don't know how much it was or where it came from, but it does the job and looks nice! It even simulates flames. What's not to love??

I'm sorry there is no banana for scale,but
here is a wider picture of the heater 
with a guest appearance from
the new quilt!

*We're talking nearly $400!

**Admittedly, this is a healthy fear. It may just be misplaced in this instance.

***What part of not wanting to burn to death did you doubt?

****Too late.


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