Saturday, March 16, 2013


While watching Dredd, all I could think about was how much I regretted not seeing it in 3D at the theater.  I had heard good things about it, but we just didn't catch it in the theaters.  Granted, Dredd isn't the best movie, but it was a whole lot of fun.

For those of you unfamiliar, Dredd is a Judge.  In the future, Judges act as police, judge, and executioner.*  With properties that have a lot to work from, you often get origin stories.  Now, I don't know much about Judge Dredd to know if there is the potential for an origin story, but I like that we just get thrown into his world.  There is a brief voice over to establish the rules and then we're off, into the story.  It's effective and wastes little time.

With the opening title screen, you know this film was made with 3D in mind.  There are various shots throughout that would have been stunning, maybe amazing in 3D.**  The effects are petty good.  There are lots of explosions.  When you couple that with the slow motion scenes, it's fun.  It may not be revolutionary, but I do appreciate their explanation for the use.

If you're squeamish, you might want to steer clear.  The film isn't gore saturated, but it does hearken back a bit to the 80's action movie so far as the blood and bodies go.  It's probably on par with something like Predator.

They did manage to land some solid actors, even if they're not headliners.  Cersei took a break from sleeping with her brother to get uglied up for this film.***  Karl Urban, who Mark referred to as Jude Law**** multiple times, plays Judge Dredd.  You know, Karl Urban is a whole lot of fun.  He was also in Doom, which I love.  I know it's a bad movie, but it's the right kind of bad.

Dredd is an awesome movie.  Maybe it isn't a great movie, but it is a ton of fun.  I like the vibe, and I like explosions.  I got exactly what I wanted.  I just wish I had seen it in the theater for that 3D experience.*****

*Apparently, the future sucks.  

**If done properly, of course.

***I'm talking about Lena Headey, for those of you that don't watch Game of Thrones.  Also, if you don't watch Game of Thrones, we are no longer friends.

****This, of course, led us into a discussion regarding which of them currently has the more promising career.  I went with Karl Urban on this one; he does get to be in the new Star Trek movies.

*****3D is a gimmick, but with the right type of movie, it can be a great gimmick.

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