Saturday, October 13, 2012

Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner

I'm sure you already realize this, but cleaning the bathroom is the opposite of fun.  For years, I have sought the best way to clean the walls of the shower to no avail...until now!  See, I clean the tub portion of the shower using Pine Sol and a hard bristled brush.  It cleans well and smells super clean.  I've tried using Pine Sol on the walls, but I had never figured out a good delivery system.  I have tried multiple sprays and magic sponges, and none of them have done an acceptable job.

I am happy to announce that if you're looking for something to clean your shower walls with, you can stop looking.  Go buy Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom Cleaner.  It's in a tall, metal aerosol type can.  You spray that stuff on the walls from six to eight inches back and let it rest for a couple minutes.  Then, you come back and wipe it off with a damp sponge.  I prefer to use a magic eraser because it helps pull up any left over residue.

I have now used this method two or three times, and it will be my new default for this job.  I'll continue to use Pine Sol in the tub, but to wash the walls, I'm going to stick with the Scrubbing Bubbles.  It easily pulls the soap scum off of the walls and makes them sparkly.

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