Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Recently, I made it a goal to eat a piece of fruit each day.  I've been lax in including fruit in my diet in the past, so I've been making a concentrated effort to be more balanced.  This, of course, has led me to try different fruits, such as the weird little pears I wrote about over a month ago.  This past weekend, on a whim, I picked up a big container of kiwi at Sam's Club.

Now, I have had kiwi before in fancy fruit salads at breakfast when vacationing in Disney.  It is not, nor has it ever been, something I've eaten on a regular basis.  I don't think that before today I've ever picked up a whole kiwi and figured out how to prepare it.  For example, you peel a banana.  You eat an apple, save the core.  You peel oranges.  What the heck do you do with a kiwi?  Considering they resemble a certain part of the male anatomy, just biting into them seems wrong.  I mean, they're furry!  Fruit isn't supposed to be furry.

I figured I would peel the kiwi and then slice it up.  As I picked up the container, I noticed it said you could scoop and eat them.  Brilliant!  Tonight, I decided to try out their instructions.

I've gotta say again just how weird kiwi are:
     1.  They're furry.
     2.  They're green on the inside.
     3.  They have tiny black seeds.

I picked out my kiwi.  I have no idea how to tell which ones are most ripe, and I was too lazy to google it.  I figured to scoop and eat, I would need to cut it in half.  It was strangely resistant to being split asunder, but I was victorious.  I grabbed a spoon and started emptying out the first half.  It was actually a very convenient way to eat kiwi!  I had to be careful, as there was some juice escaping.  This primarily ended up making my hands sticky, but it wasn't enough juice to spill on the counter or floor.

Frankly, kiwi taste delicious!  Now that I know how to eat them easily, they may become a regular staple.  I thought I would have to peel them, which would be ridiculously messy due the how sticky the juice is, but cutting them in half and scooping out the yummy part is full of win.

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